Learn Spanish in Auckland and Wellington with our fun 8 week immersion B2 Upper Intermediate Spanish classes taught by expert Spanish teachers from Latin America and Spain and start speaking Español today!

In the Upper Intermediate Spanish B2 language courses students will understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quitepossible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range ofsubjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Our Spanish Language Course Program follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and ranges from Spanish Level A1 to C2.

  • The Spanish Advanced B2 level is broken down into Upper Intermediate 1 (B2.1),Upper Int 2 ( B2.2), Upper Int 3 (B2.3), Upper Int 4 (B2.4) & Upper Int 5 (B2.5) courses.
  • Spanish B2 = University courses (Auckland Uni's SPANISH 301, Victoria Uni's SPAN 301-2 & Waikato's SPANISH 310)
  • University Applications = Upon completion of the B2 Upper Intermediate Spanish courses, you can do the Siele Gloal Exam and apply for study in the most prestigious Universities in Spain and Latin America.

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Upper Intermediate Spanish Courses Outline (b2)

Spanish Course objectives for B2 are :

  • Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialisation.
  • Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
  • Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Listening Skills:

  • You can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar.
  • You can understand most TV news and current affairs programmes.
  • You can understand the majority of films in standard dialect.

Reading Skills:

  • You can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints.
  • You can understand contemporary literary prose.

Speaking Skills:

  • You can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible.
  • You can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining my views.
  • You can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my field of interest.
  • You can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

Writing Skills:

  • You can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to my interests.
  • You can write an essay or report, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view.
  • You can write letters highlighting the personal significance of events and experiences.

Optional Course Textbook:

  • Aula Internacional 4 (Nueva edición /new edition) ISBN: 978-84-15620-85-3
  • Aula Internacional 5 (Nueva edición /new edition) ISBN: 978-84-15846-80-2. Readily available at Trademe, online bookstores and downloadable pdfs


  • Each evening course is made of 8 x 1 1/2 hour weekly classes running for over 2 months at the same time and day of the week as its listed course start date. There are no classes on Public holidays. Dates are subject to change.

Optional Prerequisite courses:

  • You have to completed the Spanish Intermediate B1, Ncea Level 3 and University courses (Auckland Uni's SPANISH 200, Victoria Uni's SPAN 201-2 & Waikato's SPANISH 231)

Benefits of taking your Spanish courses with the Spanish Institute:

  • You will learn Spanish with qualified and experienced professional Spanish teachers from Latin America and Spain
  • Progress in a friendly Spanish immersion environment
  • Benefit from a small class sizes which maximises your student and teacher interactions
  • Follow a structured curriculum following the Common European Framework of Reference A1-C2 (CEFR - www.coe.int)
  • Work toward internationally recognised Siele exams
  • Use the recommended Aula + Internacional Series of textbooks used in Universities and schools worldwide such as the Victoria University, University of Canterbury, University of Sydney ,Monash University, University of York, University of Coventry, University of Liverpool, University College London, University of Calgary , Instituto Cervantes and many more...
  • Back up your learning with resources from our media-library

Spanish School and class locations near you:

  • Auckland Central - Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Road, Grafton
  • Howick - Howick War Memorial Hall, 91 Picton St
  • Mt Eden - Oranga Community Centre, 52C Waitangi Road
  • Meadowbank - Meadowbank Community Centre, 29 Saint Johns Road, St Johns
  • Northcote - Northcote Memorial Hall, 2 Rodney St, North shore, Auckland
  • Takapuna - Mary Thomas Centre, Crosslands lounge, 3 Gibbons Rd, Takapuna
  • West Auckland - Point Chevalier Community Centre, 18 Huia Road, Point Chevalier, Auckland
  • Hamilton - TBC
  • Wellington - Thistle Hall, 293 Cuba St, Aro, Wellington
  • Wellington - Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington
  • Also Online School - Online Spanish classes via Google Meet, New Zealand wide....


  • $170, includes 8 weeks of Spanish classes, free Spanish course materials, a native Spanish teacher from Latin America or Spain and small class sizes. There are no hidden membership fees or contracts.

Spanish courses for Upper Intermediate B2.1, B2.2, B2.3, B2.4 & B2.5

Upper Intermediate 1 (B2.1): Aula Internacional 4 (New Ed) Lecciones (Chapters): 1 & 2

Communication objectives:

  • Referirnos a una noticia y comentarla.
  • Relatar una noticia.
  • Dar nuestra opinión.
  • Valorar diferentes opciones.
  • Proponer condiciones.
  • Argumentar opiniones
  • Expresar acuerdo o desacuerdo
  • Aludir a temas o intervenciones de otros.


  • Tiempos del pasado.
  • El uso de la voz pasiva.
  • Construcciones impersonales con 'se' y la 3ª persona del plural.
  • Anticipación del complemento de OD.
  • Creo que con indicativo, no creo que con subjuntivo.
  • 'Solo si…', 'siempre que…'
  • 'En primer lugar…'


  • Verbos de transmisión de información, Medios de comunicación, Política e historia, Ocio y turismo, Características de pueblos y ciudades.

Upper Intermediate 2 (B2.2): Aula Internacional 4 (New Ed) Lecciones (Chapters): 3 y 4

Communication objectives:

  • Dar consejos.
  • Evocar situaciones imaginarias.
  • Opinar sobre acciones y conductas.
  • Expresar deseos.
  • Expresar desconocimiento.
  • Expresar causa y finalidad.
  • Dar consejos y hacer propuestas.
  • Hablar de sentimientos, del carácter y de la personalidad.
  • Hablar de ciudades, personas y objetos.


  • Algunos usos del condicional
  • Te recomiendo, te aconsejo...
  • Presente y pretérito imperfecto del subjuntivo de subjuntivo.
  • Algunos usos de por y para
  • La correlación de tiempos verbales en las frases de relativo
  • Conectores.


  • · Deportes, Tradiciones, Dar miedo, pereza, Relaciones personales y afectivas, Tribus urbanas, Verbos con preposición

Upper Intermediate 3 (B2.3): Aula Internacional 4 (New Ed) Lecciones (Chapters): 5 y 6

Communication objectives:

  • Hablar de ciudades, describirlas y comentar cualidades.
  • Hablar de creencias previas sobre algo.
  • Expresar sentimientos positivos, negativos o neutros sobre algo
  • Expresar condiciones.
  • Establecer condiciones y requisitos.


  • Las oraciones de relativo: el uso de que, quien/es, cuyo/a/os/as.
  • El participio en las oraciones de relativo: la voz pasiva.
  • Verbos de percepción y de opinión + indicativo/subjuntivo.
  • Usos de 'se' en oraciones impersonales: se valorará…
  • Usos de las oraciones pasivas.
  • Usos del infinitivo compuesto.
  • El pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo.
  • Construcciones relativas: quienes, aquellos que, todo aquel que, el/la/los/las que.


  • Deportes, Tradiciones, Dar miedo, pereza, Relaciones personales y afectivas, Tribus urbanas & Verbos con preposición

Upper Intermediate 4 (B2.4): Aula Internacional 5 (New Ed) Lecciones (Chapters): 1, 2 y 3

Communication objectives:

  • Describir actividades, movimientos y situaciones.
  • Dar instrucciones.
  • Hablar de sentimientos, del carácter y del estado de ánimo.
  • Expresar finalidad e intencionalidad.
  • Aludir a promesas en estilo indirecto.
  • Referir a eventos pasados.
  • Transmitir peticiones y advertencias.
  • Contar relatos.


  • Adjetivos, gerundios y adverbios para describir acciones.
  • Verbos pronominales.
  • Para con infinitivo presente o imperfecto de subjuntivo.
  • Partículas temporales.
  • Usos de 'se' para expresar involuntariedad.
  • Marcadores y construcciones temporales.
  • Pretérito imperfecto de indicativo y de subjuntivo.
  • Usos del gerundio.
  • La colocación del adjetivo.


  • El teatro, el deporte, el baile, Verbos poner y queda, Adjetivos con prefijos, Hacer a propósito/ sin querer/ adrede, Las TIC, La mediación y resolución de conflictos, Los medios de comunicación, El fútbol. La historia de las ciudades.

Upper Intermediate 5 (B2.5): Aula Internacional 5 (New Ed) Lecciones (Chapters): 4, 5 y 6

Communication objectives:

  • Hacer predicciones sobre el futuro en relación al medio ambiente.
  • Hablar del trabajo, el mundo de la empresa.
  • Hablar de hechos no ocurridos en el pasado, hacer reproches.
  • Hablar de habilidades.


  • El pretérito perfecto de subjuntivo.
  • Construcciones temporales.
  • Recursos para la cohesión.
  • Subordinadas concesivas.
  • Reformular y ejemplificar.
  • Combinación de pronombres se/lo.
  • Pretérito pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo.
  • Condicional compuesto.
  • Conectores de causa y consecuencia.


  • · El medioambiente, Recursos para la cohesión: sinónimos, hiperónimos, hipónimos, pronombres, Nominalización, El trabajo, La educación & Biografías.

Next Course:

  • Price $170.00
  • Spanish
  • 8 lessons
  • Course Certificate
  • Small class size
  • Aula Internacional
Timetable is being updated the week of 18th November 2024, keep returning to see more options..

Upper Intermediate SPANISH 1 COURSES (B2.1) START DATES 2024

Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Thu 23 March 7.30-9.00pm

Wellington, Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington

Wed 2 October 8.00-9.30pm


Upper Intermediate SPANISH 2 COURSES (B2.2) START DATES 2024

Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Thu 23 March 7.30-9.00pm

Wellington, Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington

Wed 8 November 7.30-9.00pm


Upper Intermediate SPANISH 3 COURSES (B2.3) START DATES 2024

Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Thu 18 May 7.30-9.00pm

Wellington, Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington

Tue 13 September 7.30-9.00pm


Upper Intermediate SPANISH 4 COURSES (B2.4) START DATES 2024

Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Thu 13 July 7.30-9.00pm

Wellington, Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington

Tue 8 November 7.30-9.00pm


Upper Intermediate SPANISH 5 COURSES (B2.5) START DATES 2024

Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Thu 7 September 7.30-9.00pm


Class Timetable




2013-2015 University of Zaragoza, Professional Higher Education in Child Development
2013-2015 Océano Atlántico Education Center Spain, English, Spanish Literature, and Sports Teacher
2017-2018 Spanish for Business Language School Brazil, Corporate Spanish teacher


Best Spanish Teachers

The best Spanish teachers and tutors, all our teachers are qualified native Spanish teachers with University degrees and years of experience.


Aula Internacional (A1-B2)

The best-selling multimedia Spanish language course books in the world! Preparation for your Travel & Siele Exams...


Our language classes are limited to a small size, guarantees the best teacher-student ratio and proven as the best for learning Spanish.


CEFR Syllabus

The Spanish Institute uses the Common European Framework of Reference of Languages, 6 Spanish levels from A1-C2 used world wide.



Learn Spanish faster with our online library with thousands of electronic texts and audios that you can play on your tablet, phone or laptop.


Spanish school locations

The Spanish Institute has Spanish class locations near you in Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North and Wellington.


Siele Exam Preparation

Certify your Spanish speaking with the Siele Spanish exam and prepare for the exam with our Spanish language courses A1-C2.



Spanish language Certificates are available on request to show that you have completed a Spanish course.


About Us

Spanish Institute is an official immersion Spanish Language School situated in Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North and Wellington. Learn Spanish in our small interactive immersion classes with expert and passionate native speaker Spanish teachers from Latin America and Spain using the latest teaching methodologies. We offer a wide range of Spanish lessons for beginner (A1) to master (C2) levels following the official Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and we will prepare you for the official Spanish language exams (SIELE) and travel to Latin America & Spain. The Spanish Institute is the only official SIELE Spanish language exam centre in New Zealand.
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Apply to be a Teacher


Spanish Institute
Office: 22 Liverpool St Auckland 1010 (by appointment)

Phone: 021-461-551
Email: info@spanishinstitute.co.nz

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