Learn Spanish in Auckland and Wellington with our fun 8 week immersion C2 Master Spanish courses and classes taught by expert Spanish teachers from Latin America and Spain and start speaking Español today! The Spanish Institute is an official Spanish school and is the only accredited Siele Spanish Examination Centre in New Zealand.

In the Master C2 Spanish language courses students will understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations.

Our Spanish Language Course Program follows the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and ranges from Spanish Level A1 to C2.

  • The Spanish Master C2 level is broken down into Master 1 (C2.1), Master 2 (C2.2), Master 3 (C2.3), (Master 4 (C2.4), Master 5 (C2.5) & Master 6 (C2.6) courses.

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Master Spanish Courses Outline (C2)

Spanish Course objectives for C2 are :

  • Students will understand with ease virtually everything heard or read.
  • Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.
  • Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations

Listening Skills:

  • Can understand with ease virtually everything you hear, such as colloquial language, local language, and unfamiliar terminology.

Reading Skills:

  • You can understand with ease virtually everything I read (manuals, technical articles, literature etc.).

Speaking Skills:

  • You can express myself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.

Writing Skills:

  • You can summarise information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation.

Optional Course Textbook:

  • NUEVO PRISMA C2: Libro del alumno. ISBN: 978-8498482577 Readily available at Trademe, online bookstores and downloadable pdfs


  • Each evening course is made of 8 x 1 1/2 hour weekly classes running for over 2 months at the same time and day of the week as its listed course start date. There are no classes on Public holidays. Dates are subject to change.

Optional Prerequisite courses:

  • You have to completed the Advanced Spanish C1 course at the Spanish Institute.

Benefits of taking your Spanish courses with the Spanish Institute:

  • You will learn Spanish with qualified and experienced professional Spanish teachers from Latin America and Spain
  • Progress in a friendly Spanish immersion environment
  • Benefit from a small class sizes which maximises your student and teacher interactions
  • Follow a structured curriculum following the Common European Framework of Reference A1-C2 (CEFR - www.coe.int)
  • Work toward internationally recognised Siele exams
  • Use the recommended Aula + Internacional Series of textbooks used in Universities and schools worldwide such as the Victoria University, University of Canterbury, University of Sydney, ,Monash University, University of York, University of Coventry, University of Liverpool, University College London, University of Calgary, Instituto Cervantes and many more...
  • Back up your learning with resources from our media-library

Spanish School and class locations near you:

  • Auckland Central - Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Road, Grafton
  • Mt Eden - Athol Syms Hall, 11 Griffin Ave, Mt Eden
  • Meadowbank - Tahapa Crescent Hall, 22 Tahapa Crescent, Meadowbank
  • Northcote - Northcote Memorial Hall, 2 Rodney St, North shore, Auckland
  • West Auckland - Point Chevalier Community Centre, 18 Huia Road, Point Chevalier, Auckland
  • Hamilton - TBC
  • Wellington - Thistle Hall, 293 Cuba St, Aro, Wellington
  • Wellington - Aro Valley Community Centre, 48 Aro St, Wellington
  • Lower Hutt - Petone Community House, 6 Britannia Street, Petone, Lower Hutt
  • Online Spanish School - Online Spanish classes via Google Meet, New Zealand wide....


  • $170, includes 8 weeks of Spanish classes, free Spanish course materials, a native Spanish teacher from Latin America or Spain and small class sizes. There are no hidden membership fees or contracts.

Master Spanish courses C2.1, C2.2, C23, C2.4, C2.5 & C2.6

Master 1 (C2.1): Nuevo Prisma C2: Libro del alumno. Lecciones (Chapters): 1 & 2

Communication objectives:

  • Redactar un folleto turístico
  • Elaborar y grabar una audio guía.
  • Reaccionar ante una obra de arte y ensalzar a un artista
  • Expresar gustos y valoraciones.
  • Redactar las bases de un certamen artístico.
  • Recomendar y desaconsejar enfáticamente.
  • Matizar la opinión.
  • Contar una anécdota
  • Precisar detalles.
  • Narrar, describir y valorar.

Master 2 (C2.2): Nuevo Prisma C2: Libro del alumno. Lecciones (Chapters): 3 & 4

Communication objectives:

  • Narrar anécdotas propias y de otros.
  • Describir una situación social.
  • Expresar el modo de realizar una acción.
  • Exponer las causas de un fenómeno social.
  • Argumentar la opinión propia.
  • Expresar habilidades.
  • Evocar recuerdos sobre experiencias literarias.
  • Expresar sorpresa, extrañeza y deseos.
  • Expresar cortesía.
  • Narrar sucesos ficticios.
  • Confirmar una información.
  • Analizar y comentar un texto narrativo
  • Comparar lenguaje literal y figurado.

Master 3 (C2.3): Nuevo Prisma C2: Libro del alumno. Lecciones (Chapters): 5 & 6

Communication objectives:

  • Expresar acuerdo y desacuerdo de forma rotunda.
  • Expresar escepticismo.
  • Expresar certeza o falta de certeza, posibilidad y desconocimiento.
  • Comprender y comentar estadísticas.
  • Apoyar la argumentación en datos estadísticos.
  • Rebatir empleando datos estadísticos.
  • Argumentar sobre los estilos y modos de vida.
  • Describir detalladamente rasgos físicos y de carácter.
  • Dar consejo en cuestiones sentimentales.
  • Definir a las personas que gustan a primera vista.
  • Hablar de manera coloquial.

Master 4 (C2.4): Nuevo Prisma C2: Libro del alumno. Lecciones (Chapters): 7 & 8

Communication objectives:

  • Aclarar y precisar términos científicos y técnicos.
  • Descubrir y valorar innovaciones y descubrimientos científicos y técnicos.
  • Comunicarse a través del chat, SMS…
  • Narrar hechos históricos de forma coloquial.
  • Responder a consultas formales.
  • Contra argumentar.
  • Expresar compromiso.

Master 5 (C2.5): Nuevo Prisma C2: Libro del alumno. Lecciones (Chapters): 9 & 10

Communication objectives:

  • Explicar el origen de las palabras.
  • Formular hipótesis sobre las palabras.
  • Enfatizar y resaltar información.
  • Dar una conferencia.
  • Pedir un favor.
  • Responder afirmativamente a una petición.
  • Negarse al cumplimiento de un favor o una petición.
  • Valorar razonadamente un tema de actualidad.
  • Debatir y presentar argumentos.
  • Relatar narraciones fantásticas.

Master 6 (C2.6): Nuevo Prisma C2: Libro del alumno. Lecciones (Chapters): 11 & 12

Communication objectives:

  • Describir y comparar acciones y situaciones en un proceso.
  • Narrar un proceso de cambio.
  • Expresar arrepentimiento, lamento, reproche, etc. sobre una situación pasada.
  • Expresar causa y consecuencia.
  • Presentar alternativas a hechos del pasado.

  • Price $170.00
  • Spanish
  • 8 lessons
  • Course Certificate
  • Small class size
  • Nuevo Prisma C2


Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Thu 22 September 7.30-9.00pm



Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Thu 18 November 7.30-9.00pm



Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Wed 22 November 7.30-9.00pm



Auckland Central, Outhwaite Hall, 53 Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland CBD

Thu 23 November 7.30-9.00pm


SPANISH COURSES START DATES 2024 online zoom classes



Mon 9 January 6.00-7.30pm
Mon 13 February 7.30-9.00pm
Tue 17 January 6.00-7.30pm
Tue 7 February 7.30-9.00pm




Mon 9 January 7.30-9.00pm


intermediate SPANISH 2 COURSES (b1.1) START DATES 2022


Tue 7 February 7.30-9.00pm


Class Timetable




2013-2015 University of Zaragoza, Professional Higher Education in Child Development
2013-2015 Océano Atlántico Education Center Spain, English, Spanish Literature, and Sports Teacher
2017-2018 Spanish for Business Language School Brazil, Corporate Spanish teacher


About Us

Spanish Institute is an official immersion Spanish Language School situated in Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston North and Wellington. Learn Spanish in our small interactive immersion classes with expert and passionate native speaker Spanish teachers from Latin America and Spain using the latest teaching methodologies. We offer a wide range of Spanish lessons for beginner (A1) to master (C2) levels following the official Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and we will prepare you for the official Spanish language exams (SIELE) and travel to Latin America & Spain. The Spanish Institute is the only official SIELE Spanish language exam centre in New Zealand.
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Apply to be a Teacher


Spanish Institute
Office: 22 Liverpool St Auckland 1010 (by appointment)

Phone: 021-461-551
Email: info@spanishinstitute.co.nz

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