Embassies in New Zealand, Spain and Latin America
The Spanish Institute's exhaustive list of Spanish and Latin American Embassies and Consuls in New Zealand and New Zealand Embassies abroad in Latin America and Spain.
Spanish and Latin American Embassies in New Zealand
Embassy of the Argentine Republic Wellington, New Zealand
Contact details
Level 5, 15 Murphy Street
Thorndon 6011
Phone | (04) 472 8330 [tel:04 472 8330] Fax | + 04 472 8331 [tel:044728331]
Email | enzel@mrecic.gov.ar
Office hours | 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil Wellington, New Zealand
Contact details
Level 13, Maritime Tower,
10 Customhouse Quay
Wellington 6011
Phone | (04) 473 3516 [tel:04 473 3516] Fax | (04) 473 3517 [tel:04 473 3517]
Email | brasemb.wellington@itamaraty.gov.br
Office hours | 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
Consulate of the Federative Republic of Brazil Auckland, New Zealand
Phone | (64) 021 264 9796 [tel:64 021 264 9796]
Email | consuladohonorariobr@gmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of Chile Wellington, New Zealand
Contact details
Level 4, Pencarrow House
1 Willeston Street 6011
Phone | (04) 471 6270 [tel:04 471 6270] Fax | (04) 472 5324 [tel: 04 472 5324]
Email | echilenz@minrel.gob.cl
Alternative Email | wellington@consulado.gob.cl
Office hours | 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri;
9am-1pm, Mon-Fri (Consular)
Embassy of the Republic of Colombia Canberra, Australia
Contact details Level 2, 40 Macquarie St Barton 2600 Canberra, ACT
Phone | (+61 2) 6273 2090; (+61 2) 6273 2091; [tel:0061 2 6273 2090; 0061 2 6273 2091; ] Fax | (+61 2) 6273 2092 [tel:0061 2 6273 2092]
Email | embassyofcolombia@bigpond.com [mailto:embassyofcolombia@bigpond.com]
Alternative Email | eaustralia@cancilleria.gov.co [mailto:eaustralia@cancilleria.gov.co]
Office hours | 9am-1pm, 2pm-5pm, Mon-Fri
Consulate-General of the Republic of Colombia Auckland, New Zealand
Contact details Level 16, 191 Queen Street Auckland 1010
Phone | (09) 300 6390 [tel:09 300 6390] Fax | (09) 300 6389 [tel:09 300 6389]
Email | cauckland@cancilleria.gov.co
Consulate of the Republic of Colombia Wellington, New Zealand
Contact details Level 8, 45 Johnston Street Wellington 6011
Phone | (04) 499 5534 [tel:04 499 5534] Alternative Phone | 021 534 734 Fax | (04) 499 7443 [tel:04 499 7443]
Email | peter@cullenlaw.co.nz
Costa Rica
Consulate-General of the Republic of Costa Rica Sydney, Australia
Contact details
Suite 301B,
Level 3, 50 Margaret St
Sydney 2000
New South Wales
Phone | (+61 2) 9262 3883 [tel:0061 2 9262 3883] Alternative Phone | (+61 4) 2496 4813 (Mobile for emergencies) Fax | (+61 2) 9279 1440 [tel:0061 2 9279 1440]
Email | concr-au@rree.go.cr
Office hours | 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
Embassy of the Republic of Costa Rica Canberra, Australia
Contact details
Suite 09.03,
15 London Circuit
Canberra 2601
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Phone | (+61 2) 6113 0271 [tel:0061 2 6113 0271]
Email | embcr-au@rree.go.cr
Embassy of the Republic of Cuba Wellington, New Zealand
Contact details
11 Baroda Street
Khandallah 6035
Phone | (04) 479 5294 [tel:04 479 5294]
Email | secretaria@nz.embacuba.cu
Alternative Email | consulado@nz.embacuba.cu
Office hours | 9am-1pm, Mon-Fri
Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador O'Malley, Australia
Contact details
6 Pindari Crescent
O'Malley 2606 ACT
Phone | (+61 2) 6286 4021 [tel:0061 2 6286 4021] Alternative Phone | Mobile: (+61 2) 4 2380 4121 Fax | (+61 2) 6286 1231 [tel:0061 2 6286 1231]
Email | embassyaustralia@cancilleria.gob.ec
Alternative Email | cecucanberra@cancilleria.gob.ec
Office hours | Mon-Fri: 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
Consulate of the Republic of Ecuador Auckland 1010, New Zealand
Contact details Level 10, 48 Emily Place CBD Auckland 1010
Phone | (09) 303 0590 [tel:09 303 0590] Alternative Phone | Mobile: 027 433 8938 Fax | (09) 303 0589 [tel:09 303 0589]
Email | consulateecuadornz@languagelinks.co.nz
Office hours | Mon-Fri: 9.30 am - 4.00 pm
El Salvador
Embassy of the Republic of El Salvador Kingston, Australia
Contact details
3/110 Giles Street
Kingston 2604
Australian Capital Territory
Phone | (+61 2) 6232 7222 (Reception) [tel:0061 2 6232 7222 Reception] Alternative Phone | (+61 2) 6232 7022 (Minister/Counsellor)
Email | embajadacanberra@rree.gob.sv
Office hours | 8.30am-4.30pm, Mon-Fri
Embassy of the Republic of Guatemala Barton, Australia
Contact details
Unit 9, Engineering House,
11 National Circuit Barton 2600
Australian Capital Territory
Phone | (+61 2) 6162 7444 [tel:0061 2 6162 7444] Fax | (+61 02) 6162 7445 [tel:0061 02 6162 7445]
Email | embaustralia@minex.gob.gt Alternative Email | consaustralia@minex.gob.gt
Embassy of Mexico Wellington, New Zealand
Contact details Level 2, AMP Chambers, 185-187 Featherston St Wellington 6011
Phone | (04) 472 0555 [tel:04 472 0555] Fax | (04) 496 3559 [tel:04 496 3559]
Email | embnzelanda@sre.gob.mx
Office hours | 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri; 9am-2pm, Mon-Fri (Consular)
Consulate of Mexico Christchurch, New Zealand
Contact details
Canterbury Employers Chamber of Commerce,
57 Kilmore Street
Christchurch 8013
Phone | 021 223 1122 [tel:021 223 1122]
Email | andrew@andrewlogie.co.nz
Consulate of Mexico Auckland, New Zealand
Contact details
36 Codrington Crescent,
Mission Bay
Auckland 1071
Phone | (09) 528 3454 [tel:09 528 3454] Alternative Phone | 021 933 746
Email | denism.mcnamara@gmail.com
Embassy of the Republic of Panama , Singapore
Contact details
16 Raffles Quay #41-06
Hong Leong Building,
Phone | (+65) 6221 8677 [tel:0065 6221 8677] Alternative Phone | 027 422 0411 Fax | (+65) 6224 0892 [tel:0065 6224 0892]
Email | general@panamaemb.org.sg
Office hours | 9am-4pm, Mon-Fri
Consulate of the Republic of Panama , New Zealand
Contact details
Level 7, Suite 2,
300 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
Phone | (09) 379 8550 [tel:09 379 8550] Alternative Phone | +64 27 422 0411 Fax | (09) 379 8449 [tel:09 379 8449]
Email | gthwaite@iprolink.co.nz
Office hours | By Appointment
Embassy of the Republic of Paraguay Chiyoda-Ku, Japan
Contact details
Ichibancho TG Building,
Nr.2, 7F,
2-2 Ichibancho
Chiyoda-Ku 102-0082
Phone | (+81 3) 3265 5271; (+81 3) 3265 5272 [tel:0081 3 3265 5271; 0081 3 3265 5272] Fax | (+81 3) 3265 5273 [tel:0081 3 3265 5273]
Email | embajada@embapar.jp
Office hours | Mon-Fri: 9.30am-1pm, 2pm-5pm
Embassy of the Republic of Peru Wellington, New Zealan
Contact details
Level 5, 11 Chews Lane
Wellington 6011
Phone | (+64 4) 213 8943 [tel:0064 4 213 8943]
Email | info@embassyperu.org.nz Alternative Email | consular@embassyperu.org.nz
Office hours | 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
Consulate of the Republic of Peru Auckland, New Zealand
Contact details
13 Anarahi Place
Mangere Bridge
Auckland 2022
Phone | (09) 633 0007 [tel:09 633 0007] Alternative Phone | (64) 22 368 2132 Fax | (09) 623 1169 [tel:09 623 1169]
Email | aida.crombach@gmail.com
Office hours | 11.00 am - 1.00 pm; Mondays and Thursdays
Embassy of Spain Wellington, New Zealand
Contact details
Level 11, BNZ Trust House Bldg,
50 Manners Street
Wellington 6142
Phone | (04) 802 5665 [tel:04 802 5665] Fax | (04) 801 7701 [tel:04 801 7701]
Email | emb.wellington@maec.es
Office hours | 9am - 5.30pm, Mon - Fri
Consulate of Spain Christchurch, New Zealand
Contact details
36 Sevenoaks Drive
Bryndwr 8053
Phone | 027 424 0196 [tel:027 424 0196]
Email | jackieandjavi@gmail.com
Office hours | By Appointment
Consulate of Spain Auckland, New Zealand
Contact details
Consulate of Spain, 106C Gladstone Road
Parnell 1052 Auckland
Phone | 021 446 959 [tel:021 446 959]
Email | amelia.pais@angelstreet.co.nz
Office hours | By Appointment
Embassy of Uruguay Barton, Australia
Contact details
24 Brisbane Ave
Barton 2600
Phone | (+61 2) 6273 9100 [tel:0061 2 6273 9100] Fax | (+61 2) 6273 9099 [tel:0061 2 6273 9099]
Email | uruaustralia@mrree.gub.uy
Office hours | 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri
Consulate of Uruguay Christchurch, New Zealand
Contact details
27 Woodbury Street
Avonhead 8042
Phone | (03) 342 5520 [tel:03 342 5520] Alternative Phone | +27 674 1212 / +21 232 9301
Email | consulurunz@gmail.com
New Zealand embassies in Latin america and spain
Argentina, Paraguay & Uruguay
New Zealand Embassy Buenos Aires , Argentina
Contact details
Carlos Pellegrini 1427 - 5th Floor
Buenos Aires C1011AAC
Phone | +54 (11) 5070 0700 [tel:0054 11 5070 0700]
Alternative Phone | For emergencies involving NZ citizens only: +64 9920 2020 Fax | +54 11 507 00720 [tel:00541200700720]
Email | embajadanzba@gmail.com
Office hours | Mon - Fri 10.00 - 13.00 Head of Mission | Carl Worker
Bolivia, Chile & Peru
New Zealand Embassy Santiago, Chile
Contact details
Edificio Isidora 3000, Isidora Goyenechea 3000
12th floor Santiago,
Santiago Province
Santiago Metropolitan Region
Phone | +56 2 261 63000 [tel:0056226163000] Fax | +56 2 295 16138 [tel:0056229516138]
Email | embajada@nzembassy.cl
Office hours | Mon-Fri 10:00-13:00
New Zealand Embassy Brasília - DF, Brazil
Contact details
SHIS QI 09 Conjunto 16 Casa 01
Brasília - DF 71625-160
Phone | +55 61 324 89900 [tel:00556132489900] Alternative Phone | Emergency number: +64 99 20 20 20 Fax | +55 61 324 89916 [tel:00556132489916]
Email | emb.novazelandia@gmail.com
Office hours | Due to COVID-19, we are only receiving face-to-face meetings by appointment.
Head of Mission | Chris Langley
Colombia & Ecuador
New Zealand Embassy Bogotá, Colombia
Contact details
Edf. 8111, Calle 81 # 11 - 08 Of. 802
Chapinero 110221
Bogotá, Colombia
Alternative Phone | After hours consular emergency number +64 99 20 20 20
Email | nzembajadacolombia@gmail.com
Office hours | Mon-Thr 8:30-13:00 14:00-17:30 Fri 8-13:00 14:00-16:30
Consular assistance: Mon- Fri 9am-12pm
Head of Mission | Lucy Duncan
Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama & Venezuela
New Zealand Embassy Mexico City, Mexico
Contact details
Corporativo Polanco, 8 Avenida Jaime Balmes
Polanco I Sección 11510 Mexico City, Miguel Hidalgo
Distrito Federal
Phone | +52 55 528 39460 [tel:00525552839460] Alternative Phone | +64 99 20 20 20 for after hours emergencies involving NZ citizens Fax | +52 55 528 39480 [tel:00525552839480]
Email | nzmexico@mfat.govt.nz
Office hours | Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm
New Zealand Embassy Madrid, Spain
Contact details
Pinar 7, 3rd floor
Madrid 28006
Phone | +34 915 230 226 [tel:0034915230226] Fax | +34 915 230 171 [tel:0034915230171]
Email | madrid@embajadanuevazelanda.com
Office hours | Mon-Fri 0900-1400 2000-1730,
July and August: Mon-Fri 0830 - 1330 1400-163012/19/2020
Head of Mission | Nigel Fyfe